Epiphyllum anguliger - Fishbone Cactus

$ 44.00

Epiphyllum anguliger is a striking epiphytic cactus that looks like something out of fantasy. Its deeply lobed, succulent foliage creates a zig zag form, earning it the nickname, Fishbone Cactus. A member of the Orchid Cactus genus, once this plant reaches maturity, it produces gorgeous, ornate flowers with a subtle fragrance. As with other jungle cactus varieties, plenty of light and conservative watering keeps this plant happy.


• Light: Bright indirect or dappled light. Some direct sun is okay.
• Water: Water when the top 2" of soil feels dry
• Considerations: The Fishbone Cactus can be quite thirsty in spring and summer, but requires little water over winter. More sun in early fall will help flowers develop


You'll get a healthy Epiphyllum anguliger that meets our rigorous quality standards your choice of a 4" or 6" nursery pot. No two plants are alike, and yours will have its own unique shape, size and personality; expect this natural variation from the photos.

Our plants include detailed care instructions as well as our Houseplant Best Practices guide, with information on how to repot, seasonal care and more!

We include shipping box warmers at no charge as needed. Got questions? Check out our FAQ!