Hoya kerrii - Sweetheart Hoya

$ 24.00

Hoya kerrii has perfectly heart-shaped bright green leaves that emerge on vining stems. Aptly nicknamed the Sweetheart Hoya or Heart-leaf Hoya, this slow grower is most commonly sold only as a single rooted leaf around Valentine's Day. We're fortunate enough to have more mature specimens, some already putting out long tendrils from woody bases. Like all Hoyas (aka wax plants), clusters of star-shaped flowers will eventually emerge along the stems. Happy to climb up a trellis or cascade over the sides of its pot, Hoya kerrii is one of those must-have plants for any collector.


 Light: Perfect for bright, indirect light
• Water: Drought tolerant. Water when the top 2" of soil feels dry to the touch 
• Considerations: Use a well-draining soil, and select a planter with drainage. Hoya kerrii is a bit more sensitive to cold than other Hoyas. Pet friendly! Read our Hoya journal entry for more care information.


You'll get a healthy Hoya kerrii that meets our rigorous quality standards in your choice of a 4" or 6" nursery pot. No two plants are alike, and yours will have its own unique shape, size and personality; expect this natural variation from the photos. The plant featured in the product photography is a 6" specimen.

Our plants include detailed care instructions as well as our Houseplant Best Practices guide, with information on how to repot, seasonal care and more!

We include shipping box warmers at no charge as needed. Got questions? Check out our FAQ!