Philodendron gloriosum

$ 36.00

Philodendron gloriosum is Insta-famous for its huge velvety green leaves with bright white veins. This crawling aroid grows on the jungle floor, unlike the climbing and epiphytic aroids we typically grow in the home. Since this plant grows far below the canopy, it appreciates bright dappled light without a lot of (or any) direct sun. Great for pots that are wider than they are tall, the rhizomatous stem of Philodendron gloriosum will eventually climb over the edge of its pot and reach into your living space.


 Light: Medium to bright indirect light
• Water: Water when the top half of soil dries out. Do not let dry out completely.
• Considerations: The new leaves require some extra humidity to unfurl without issue. We like to mist emerging leaves to help with the process.


You'll get a healthy Philodendron gloriosum that meets our rigorous quality standards in a 6" nursery pot. No two plants are alike, and yours will have its own unique shape, size and personality; expect this natural variation from the photos.

Our plants include detailed care instructions as well as our Houseplant Best Practices guide, with information on how to repot, seasonal care and more!

We include shipping box warmers at no charge as needed. Got questions? Check out our FAQ!