Petrocosmea cryptica - Whirlpool Plant

$ 32.00

Petrocosmea cryptica is a rosette-forming, fuzzy-leaved gesneriad, related to African Violets and Lipstick Plants. The tight growth pattern gives this plant its common names of Whirlpool Plant and Mosaic Plant. When this plant blooms, tiny pale purple blooms float above the geometric pattern of leaves. If you're looking for a compact-growing and interesting plant for a small space, this is the perfect fit!


 Light: Medium to bright, indirect light.
• Water: Water when the top 1"-2" of soil is dry to the touch.
• Considerations: This plant will grow wider and faster with extra humidity. Nighttime temperatures of 55F-65F can induce blooming.


You'll get a healthy Petrocosmea cryptica that meets our rigorous quality standards in a 4"nursery pot. No two plants are alike, and yours will have its own unique shape, size and personality; expect this natural variation from the photos.

Our plants include detailed care instructions as well as our Houseplant Best Practices guide, with information on how to repot, seasonal care and more!

We include shipping box warmers at no charge as needed. Got questions? Check out our FAQ!