Dendrobium loddigesii - Sunset Cane Orchid

$ 42.00

Dendrobium loddigesii is an orchid from SE Asia that grows miniature sprawling canes lined with pairs of bright green leaves. This orchid is grown for its amazing blooms that are huge compared to the foliage of the plant. The orchid's blooms have a warm goldenrod center surrounded by white and purple petals.


• Light: Medium to bright, indirect light.
• Water: Prefers to stay lightly moist through the summer months with frequent waterings (every 1-3 days). Water with heavy misting or soaking in a basin of water for about a minute.
• Considerations: This orchid goes semi-dormant from November to March. During this time, reduce watering and expect some loss of leaves. Flowers emerge from leafless canes in spring.


Each mount measures approximately 6"W x 3"H with a heavy wire hanger. No two pieces are alike, and yours will have its own unique shape, size and personality - expect this natural variation from the photos. 

We include shipping box warmers at no charge as needed. Got questions? Check out our FAQ!