Stephania erecta

$ 16.00

Stephania erecta is a deciduous vining caudiciform native to the mountains of Thailand, where the bulbs grow completely buried and go dormant during the yearly dry season. Stephania erecta's caudex looks looks a lot like a potato, and when grown as a houseplant, is best displayed planted with the top half of the caudex exposed.

The main attraction of this rare plant happens when this plant comes out of dormancy and produces a stunning flush of bright green parasol-shaped leaves along creeping vines. The peltate leaves remind us of pennywort and nasturtium, but the combination of leaves and caudex makes the whole plant seems otherworldly. The vines of this plant look beautiful cascading from a bright shelf or trained around a trellis.

We're selling this plant as a dormant caudex to protect the tender vines. Terracotta Olla Pot sold separately. 

How to Grow

Plant caudex in exceedingly well-draining soil (at least 50% perlite, vermiculite and/or pumice) with the top half of the caudex exposed. We have marked the tops of our bulbs with a small sticker.
• During active growth, water when soil is fully dry. Stephania erecta is typically dormant from December to April. During dormancy, refrain from watering.
• Stephania erecta needs bright indirect light, adequate humidity, and warmth to grow a mature vine. Use a cloche or unsealed plastic bag to make a humid microclimate that will help initiate growth.

• This plant is extremely sensitive to over-watering. Always err on the side of under-watering. Too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves and caudex.

What to Expect

You'll get one (1) dormant Stephania erecta in the size of your choice, ready for planting! Each caudex is a bit different, so expect this natural variation from the photos. Includes detailed care instructions. 

We include shipping box warmers at no charge as needed. Got questions?Check out our FAQ!